Friday, July 11, 2008

Costa Rica at last!

We're in Costa Rica! We arrived in the airport around 1:30 TN time, 11:30 Costa Rica time. We got our first great view of Costa Rica in the customs line.

Once we were through customs we shuttled to the hotel and stayed there until dinner. A couple of floors up from our room is a balcony, and you can see out into the surrounding neighborhood. It's really shocking to see where some of these people live. The lower-class houses are very small, with no glass in the windows. They are packed into small lots. There were a couple of houses with yards we could see, but they were only two or three steps across. It was sad, inspiring in a way, but still, very sad to think of anyone living their lives there.

The rest of the day we spent eating--which was great--and shopping at Hiper-mas--which was also fun. We then went to Pops, the ice cream place. I can honestly say that they have some of the best ice cream I've ever had.
Tomorrow we have excursions to the rain-forest or beach--I believe about 5 are going to the beach, and the rest to the rain-forest.
I think that all of us are getting more inspired by the minute, I know I am. Also, thank you for your support!


JTSmith said...

I am really enjoying your blog Stephen. Keep up the good work.
We are praying for you all.

Jeff Smith

BGF said...

Tell Bob to quit looking so somber in the group photographs and enjoy himself, while he is there. LOL