Friday, July 18, 2008

Packing it all up.

Well, it's Friday night, and the plane leaves tomorrow morning. We have to leave the hotel at 5 o'clock. Anyway, to wrap things up, we've done a lot this week--and it's been a lot of fun.
The last couple of days at Mansion of Light the guys worked with cement. We mixed and poured cement to widen the side-walk, make a handicap ramp, and make a small step for kids to sit on while eating. It's taken the better part of yesterday and today--it feels good to see it finished. The women at Mansion of Light painted the children's room--walls, tables and chairs--and finished the details on the front gate and the communion table. A group today also went to the Britt coffee factory.
Our entire group had the opportunity to go watch some basketball over at Cinco Esquinas. The kids the other group had been teaching have come a long way. (I've included some pictures from Thursday at the basket ball camp.)
Like I said, it's been a fun week, and we've done a lot. We said our last goodbye to the people at the churches today. We saw a few tears when we left. Still, it feels good knowing that we've helped the people here--by cement and paint, and by letting them know that we care about them.
Well, I'd better get moving, we've got a long day tomorrow. Thanks for your prayers, and thanks for reading!
-Steven Hussung

1 comment:

JTSmith said...

WOW. You guys and gals have done a lot. Thank you for being willing to serve our Lord in this way. It's nice to see pictures of the basketball court. the last time we were there I think it was just dirt and gravel. It will be great to have you all back at home. Safe traveling and God bless.
